
Omega-3 Dosage

Omega-3 Recommended Dose

Unlike many health supplements and foods, the benefits of EPA & DHA omega 3 fatty acids are recognized by the FDA, and official guidance for recommended dosage has been issued.

The FDA advise that no more than 3 grams of EPA and DHA omega-3 is consumed in a day.

They also advise that up to 2 grams of the omega 3 recommended dose should be taken from a dietary health supplement.

The dose of omega-3 may also vary according to whether coronary heart disease (CHD) has affected the person concerned.

For example, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends:>

Dosage Of Omega-3 In Healthy People Without CHD – eat fatty fish twice a week. Maintain a diet rich in ALA omega-3 fatty acid (see also, 'sources of omega-3')

Dosage Of Omega-3 In People With CHD – approximately 1 gram of EPA & DHA a day, preferably from fatty fish.

Flax Seed v Fish Oil As A Source Of Omega 3

Traditionally, fish and fish oils have been recommended as a source of omega-3. The beneficial effects of omega-3 derived from fish oil has had more research than flaxseed oil.

This is largely due to the initial discovery that Greenland Eskimo, who have a fish based diet rich in omega-3, also have a low incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD).

Fish and fish oils contain much higher levels of EPA and DHA compared to ALA (see also 'sources of omega-3').

However, the oil from pressed flax seed is viewed as a good source of ALA omega-3. Once ingested, ALA can be partly converted into EPA and DHA omega-3.

Flax seed has several advantages over fish oil. Flax seed oil supplements tend to be cheaper and less processed. In the production of flax seed oil, the flax seeds are pressed to get the oil extract.

This contrasts with the extra processing involved with fish oils in which the oil is first extracted from the fish, cleaned and then deodorized. Fish oil may also contain more dioxins and heavy metals from marine pollutants (see also, 'risks of fish based omega-3 supplements').

However, both sources of omega-3 can play their part in providing the benefits associated with this fatty acid.