
Side Effects Of Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola rosea is a well tolerated plant; it has been used over past centuries with no reported severe side effects. However, despite widespread use, this plant is under researched.

Whilst Rhodiola rosea has stood the test of time in its use as a supplement, there could be underlying side effects not yet identified.

Any side effects, which are rare and normally mild, may take the form of:

  • difficulty sleeping
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • headache
  • gastrointestinal disturbance

It's safe to stop using Rhodiola rosea even if side effects are felt.

There are also no known withdrawal effects when people stop taking Rhodiola rosea. Many users take Rhodiola rosea during periods of stress and cease taking it once the stress subsides.

Rhodiola Rosea & Other Drugs

Rhodiola rosea may interact with benzodiazepines, SSRI and SNRI antidepressants causing drowsiness. If you are already take this medication and want to take Rhodiola rosea, consult your doctor first.

Rhodiola Rosea – Safety, Dangers & Warning

Use of Rhodiola rosea is generally safe with limited mild to moderate side effects. However, due to limited research, it is not recommended that pregnant women or women currently breast feeding take a Rhodiola rosea based supplement.

As drowsiness is a possible side effect, e.g. through the interaction of other drugs, machinery should not be operated if this side effect occurs.

As with other health supplements, always buy from reputable sources; to avoid contaminants and to ensure the product is of sufficient quality and volume.

Rhodiola Rosea – Testimonials & User Feedback

Users comments and testimonials on Rhodiola rosea are overall positive.

Many feel less stressed after taking it and for some Rhodiola rosea can make them feel happier.

This supports the notion that Rhodiola rosea helps promote a feeling of wellbeing (see also 'benefits of Rhodiola rosea').

For use as an aid to exercise in the gym, Rholiola rosea has improved endurance for some.

Rhodiola rosea is also often used on a temporary basis when a person is going through a bad patch of stress (e.g. difficulties at work).

User comments have also mentioned the rose petal smell, which the first part of the name 'Rhodiola' is derived from.