Alpha Lipoic Acid Dosage
When alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is taken as a powerful antioxidant for general wellness, a typical dosage might be 100mg to 200mg a day.
However, there is no recommended daily dose for alpha lipoic acid.
Buying alpha lipoic acid supplements from a reputable supplier and following their instructions for guidance on dosage is recommended.
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is often sold in capsules with the following weights: 25mg, 50mg, 100mg and 200mg.
As it is hard for the body to absorb all the alpha lipoic acid, suppliers sometimes advise taking ALA on an empty stomach.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) Supplements
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) as a health supplement was first introduced to the mainstream market during the late 1980's/ early 1990's.
As a chemical compound, structurally, alpha lipoic acid contains sulfur. As such, ALA supplements take the form of yellow, crystalline powder (sulfur is yellow). Alpha lipoic acid supplements are usually sold loose as a powder, in capsule form or pressed into a tablet.
Since the introduction of these supplements, alpha lipoic acid has become increasingly popular with body builders and other people who exercise, in addition to those with medical conditions ALA can be used to help treat. Some suppliers of alpha lipoic supplements claim that it increases performance as it helps the body take glucose from the blood and transfer it into the muscle as at an increased rate.
Whatever the motivation for using alpha lipoic acid, supplements are a convenient way of taking extra ALA than through the diet alone.
Whilst many foods contain alpha lipoic acid, the levels are usually extremely low as are absorption rates.
By taking alpha lipoic acid supplements a higher amount can more easily be consumed and absorbed by the body. Around 30 to 40% of oral doses of alpha lipoic acid are absorbed [13,[14].
Taken as a general health supplement, alpha lipoic acid receives generally positive responses.
One notable comment is that ALA may degrade quickly when exposed to air and light. ALA in powered form should be kept in dark, tight fitting containers or the powder put into capsules.
To increase the degree of absorption, alpha lipoic acid should not be mixed in with a high volume of liquid and should be taken on an empty stomach.